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Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

  • Connare, B. and K. Islam. 2023. Advancing Our Understanding of Cerulean Warbler Space Use Through Radio Telemetry. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management; doi: https://doi.org/10.3996/JFWM-21-100
  • Beilke, E.A., Haulton, G.S., and J.M. O’Keefe. 2023. Foliage-roosting eastern red bats select for features associated with management in a central hardwood forest, Forest Ecology, and Management, 527(1), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120604
  • Beilke, E.A. and J.M. O’Keefe. 2022. Bats reduce insect density and defoliation in temperate forests: An exclusion experiment. Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3903
  • Divoll, T.J., Brown, V.A., McCracken, G.F., and J.M. O’Keefe. 2022. Prey size is more representative than prey taxa when measuring dietary overlap in sympatric forest bats. Environmental DNA, https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.354.
  • Ochs, A. E., Saunders, M. R., & R.K. Swihart. 2022. Response of terrestrial salamanders to the decade following timber harvest in hardwood forests. Forest Ecology and Management511, 120159.
  • Connare, B. and K. Islam. 2022. Failure to advance migratory phenology in response to climate change may pose a significant threat to a declining Nearctic-Neotropical songbird. International Journal of Biometeorology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-022-02239-9.
  • Sharp, A. R., Connare, B. M., and Islam, K. 2021. Novel nest tree selection by a deciduous forest New World warbler. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(4):640-645. doi.org/10.1676/20-0016
  • Divoll, T.J., Aldrich, S.P., Haulton, G.S., and J.M. O’Keefe. 2022. Endangered Myotis bats forage in regeneration openings in a management forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 503 (1), Endangered Myotis bats forage in regeneration openings in a managed forest – ScienceDirect
  • Milne, M.A., Gonsiorowski, J., Tuft, N., Deno, B., Ploss, T., Acosta, J., Frandsen, L. and C. Venable. 2021. Effects of fire on ground-dwelling spider (Araneae) assemblages in Central Indiana Forests. Environmental Entomology, 50(4); 781-789. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvab051
  • Sharp, A. and K. Islam. 2021. Does the intrusion of an avian nest predator elicit a change in the behaviour of a canopy-nesting passerine? Behaviour. 1-26. 10.1163/1568539X-bja10078
  • Bergeson, S.M., Confortin, K.A., Carter, T.C., Karsk, J.R., Haulton, S., Burnett, H. 2021. Northern long-eared bats roosting in a managed forest in south-central Indiana, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 483,118928, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.118928.
  • Connare, B., Delancey, C., Sharp, A., MacDonald, G., and Islam, K. 2020. “Low Breeding-Site Fidelity Suggests Dispersal of Cerulean Warblers,” Northeastern Naturalist 27(4), 669-680. https://doi.org/10.1656/045.027.0408
  • Delancey, C. and K. Islam. 2020. Analysis of microhabitat characteristics at roost sites of Cerulean Warblers. PLOS One. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241501
  • Ruhl, P.J., Kellner, K. F., and J.B. Dunning. 2020. Ecological factors explain habitat associations of mature-forest songbirds in regenerating forest clearcuts. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology doi: https://doi.org/10.1676/19-49
  • Delancey, C., Islam, K., Kramer, G., MacDonald, G., Sharp, A., and B. Connare. 2020. Geolocators reveal migration routes, stopover sites, and nonbreeding dispersion in a population of Cerulean Warblers, Animal Migration7(1):19-26. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/ami-2020-0003
  • Ruhl, P.J., Flaherty, E. and J.B. Dunning. 2020. Using stable isotopes of plasma, red blood cells, feces, and feathers to assess mature-forest bird diet during the postfledging period. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 98: 39-46. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2019-0109.
  • Martin, M.K., Sheets, J.J., Sparks, D., and J.O. Whitaker. 2020. Diets of bats before and after forest management. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 129(1):56-64.
  • Milne, M.A., Louderman, J., Foster, B., Grijalva, I., Lewis, J.J., Bishop, L., Deno, B.L., Acosta, J., Frandsen, L., and E. Stern. 2019. More spiders in Indiana: 100 new and updated distribution records. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 128(1):87-105.
  • MacDonald, G.J. and K. Islam. 2019. Do social factors explain seasonal variation in dawn song characteristics of paired male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea)? Bioacoustics, https://doi.org/10.1080/09524622.2019.1682671
  • Bergeson, S.M., Holmes, J.B. and J.M. O’Keefe. 2019. Indiana bat roosting behavior differs between urban and rural landscapes, Urban Ecosystems, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-019-00903-4
  • Delancey, C.D., MacDonald, G.J., and K. Islam. 2019. First confirmed hybrid pairing between a Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) and a Black-throated Blue Warbler (Setophaga caerulescens). Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 131(1):161-165.
  • Delancey, C.D. and Islam K. 2019. Post-fledging habitat use in a declining songbird. PeerJ 7:e7358 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7358
  • Nelson, D.L., Kellner, K.F., and Swihart, R.K. 2019. Rodent population density and survival respond to disturbance induced by timber harvest, Journal of Mammalogy 100(4):1253-1262.
  • MacDonald, G.J., Delancey, C. D. and K. Islam. 2019. Novel vocalizations, including song, from 2 female Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131(2): 366-373. https://doi.org/10.1676/18-104
  • Caldwell, K.L., Carter, T.C. and J.C. Doll. 2019. A comparison of bat activity in a managed central hardwood forest. The American Midland Naturalist 181(2):225-244.
  • Hanna, L., Kissick, A. L., McCroskey, E., and J.D. Holland. 2019. Resilience to disturbance is a cross‐scale phenomenon offering a solution to the disturbance paradox. Ecosphere 10( 4):e02682. 10.1002/ecs2.2682
  • Stanis, S. and M.R. Saunders. 2018. Long-term overstory tree quality monitoring through multiple prescribed fires in eastern deciduous forests. In: Kirschman, Julia E., comp. 2018. Proceedings of the 19th biennial southern silvicultural research conference. e-Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-234. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station:355-362.
  • Kellner, K.F., Ruhl, P.J., Dunning, J.B., Barnes, K.W., Saunders, M.R., and R.K. Swihart. 2018. Local-scale habitat components driving bird abundance in eastern deciduous forests. The American Midland Naturalist, 180(1):52-65.
  • Ruhl, P.J., Delancey, C.D., and J.B. Dunning Jr. 2018. Roost preference, postfledging habitat use, and breeding phenology of adult female Worm-eating Warblers (Helmitheros vermivorum) on the breeding grounds. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology., 130(2): 397-409.
  • Delancey, C., MacDonald, G., & Islam, K. 2018. American Redstarts ( Setophaga ruticilla ) usurp Cerulean Warbler ( Setophaga cerulea ) nest in Southern Indiana. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology., 130(2), 554-558.
  • Ruhl, P., Kellner, K., Pierce, J., Riegel, J., Swihart, R., Saunders, M., & Dunning, Jr, J. 2018. Characterization of Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorum) breeding habitat at the landscape level and nest scale. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 13(1):11.
  • Bergeson, S.M., O’Keefe, J.M., and Haulton, G.S. 2018. Managed forests provide roosting opportunities for Indiana bats in south-central Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management, 427:305-316.
  • Divoll, T.J., Brown, V.A., Kinne, J., McCracken, G.F., and J.M. O’Keefe. 2018. Disparities in second-generation DNA metabarcoding results exposed with accessible and repeatable workflows. Molecular Ecology Resources, 18(3):590-601. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.12770
  • Hale, V., B. MacGowan, L. Corriveau, D. Huse, A.F. Currylow, and S. Thompson. 2017. Radio transmitter implantation and movement in the wild Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, https://doi.org/10.7589/2016-08-186
  • Kellner, K.F. and R.K. Swihart. 2017. Herbivory on planted oak seedlings across a habitat edge created by timber harvest. Plant Ecology, 218:213-223.
  • Kellner, K.F. and R.K. Swihart. 2017. Simulation of oak early life history and interactions with disturbance via an individual-based model, SOEL. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179643. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0179643
  • MacGowan, B.J., A.F.T.Currylow and J.E.MacNeil. 2017. Short-term responses of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) to even-aged timber harvests in Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management, 376: 30-36.
  • Murray, B.D., J.D. Holand, K.S. Summerville, J.B. Dunning, M.R. Saunders, and M.A. Jenkins. 2017. Functional Diversity response to hardwood forest management varies across taxa and spatial scales. Ecological Applications 1002/eap.1532
  • Nemes, C.E. and K. Islam. 2017. Breeding Season Microhabitat use by Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) in an experimentally-managed forest. Forest Ecology and Management http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.11.008
  • Olson, M.G. and M.R. Saunders. 2017. Long-term research on managed hardwood forests in eastern North America. Forest Ecology and Management, 387: 1-2.
  • Summerville, K.S. and R.J. Marquis. 2017. Comparing the responses of larval and adult lepidopteran communities to timber harvest using long-term, landscape-scale studies in oak-hickory forests. Forest Ecology and Management http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2016.08.050
  • Auer, S.A., K. Islam, J.R. Wagner, K.S. Summerville, and K.W. Barnes. 2016. The diet of Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) nestlings and adult nest provisioning behaviors in S. Indiana. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 128(3):573-583.
  • Barnes, K.W., K.Islam and S.A.Auer. 2016. Integrating LIDAR-derived canopy structure into cerulean warbler habitat models. Journal of Wildlife Management, 80(1): 101-116.
  • Kellner, K.F. and R.K.Swihart. 2016. Timber harvest and drought interact to impact oak seedling growth and survival in the Central Hardwood Forest. Ecosphere 7(10): e01473
  • Kellner, K.F., N.I.Lichti and R.K.Swihart. 2016. Midstory removal reduces effectiveness of oak (Quercus) acorn dispersal by small mammals in the Central Hardwood Forest region. Forest Ecology and Management, 375:182-190.
  • Kellner, K.F., P.J.Ruhl, J.B.Dunning, J.K.Riegel and R.K.Swihart. 2016. Multi-scale responses of breeding birds to experimental forest management in Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management, 382:64-75.
  • Milne, M.A., B. Foster, J.J. Lewis, L. Bishop, A. Hoffman, T. Ploss, and B. Deno. 2016. Spiders in Indiana: seventy-one new and updated distribution records. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 125(1): 75-85.
  • Murray, B.D., C.R.Webster, M.A.Jenkins, M.R.Saunders and G.S.Haulton. 2016. Ungulate impacts on herbaceous-layer plant communities in even-aged and uneven-aged forests. Ecosphere, 7(6): e01378
  • Leonard, O.D., J.W.Moore, J.K.Riegel, A.R.Meier, J.B.Dunning and K.F.Kellner, R.K.Swihart. 2015. Effect of variation in forest harvest intensity on winter occupancy of barred owls and eastern screech-owls in deciduous forests of the east-central United States. Journal of Field Ornithology, 86(2): 115-129.
  • Nemes, C.E., K.Islam and D.M.Pirtle. 2015. First documentation of a “double-decker” Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) nest. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 127(3):534-538.
  • Olson, Z.H., B.J.MacGowan, M.T.Hamilton, A.F.T.Currylow and R.N.Williams. 2015. Survival of timber rattlesnakes: Investigating individual, environmental, and ecological effects. Herpetologica, 71:274-279.
  • Powell, G., R.M.Brattain and J.D.Holland. 2015. New distributional records for the genus Pytho. The Coleopterists’ Bulletin, 66:761-765.
  • Ruhl, P.J., Jeffrey K. Riegel, and John B. Dunning. 2015. Confirmation of successful chestnut-sided warbler breeding in south-central Indiana. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 124:38-42.
  • Ruhl, P.J. and J.B.Dunning. 2015. Morphometrics of Worm-eating Warblers in south-central Indiana: hatching year and after hatching year comparison. North American Bird Bander, 43:81-84.
  • Summerville, K.S. 2015. Species traits fail to consistently predict moth persistence in managed forest stands. Great Lakes Entomologist, 48:114-124.
  • Wagner, J.R., K. Islam, and K. Summerville. 2015. Cerulean Warbler territory size is influenced by prey-rich tree abundance. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science,124:70-79.
  • Currylow, A.F., A.J.Johnson and R.N.Williams. 2014. Evidence of ranavirus infections among sympatric larval amphibians and box turtles. Journal of Herpetology, 48(1): 117-121.
  • Kellner, K.F. and R.K.Swihart. 2014. Changes in small mammal microhabitat use following silvicultural disturbance. American Midland Naturalist, 172: 349-359.
  • Kellner, K.F., J.R. Riegel and R.K. Swihart. 2014. Effects of silvicultural disturbance on acorn infestation and removal in the central hardwood forest region. New Forests, 45(2): 265-281.
  • Kimble, S.J.A., O.E. Rhodes, Jr. and R.N. Williams. 2014. Relatedness and other finescale genetic processes in the box turtle. Conservation Genetics, 15(4): 967-979.
  • Kimble, S.J.A., O.E.Rhodes, Jr. and R.N.Williams. 2014. Unexpectedly low rangewide population genetic structure of the imperiled eastern box turtles. . PLoS ONE 9:e92274
  • LaGrange, S.M., S.J.A.Kimble, B.J.MacGowan and R.N.Williams. 2014. Seasonal variance in hematology and plasma chemistry values of the timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). Jounal of Wildlife Diseases DOI 10.7589/2013-10-267.
  • MacNeil, J.E. and R.N.Williams. 2014. Effects of timber harvests and silvicultural edges on terrestrial salamanders. PLoS ONE, 9(12):e114683
  • Owen, D.A.S., E.T.Carter, M.L.Holding, K.Islam and I.T.Moore. 2014. Roads are associated with a blunted stress response in a North American pit viper. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 202: 87-92.
  • Summerville, K.S. 2014. Do seasonal temperatures, species traits and nearby timber harvest predict variation in moth species richness and abundance in unlogged deciduous forests? Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 16: 80-86.
  • Wagner, J.R. and K.Islam. 2014. Nest-site selection and breeding ecology of the Cerulean Warbler in southern Indiana. Northeastern Naturalist, 21: 515-528.
  • Auer, S.A., K.Islam, K.W.Barnes and J.A.Brown. 2013. Documentation of Red-bellied Woodpecker predation of a Cerulean Warbler nestling. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 125(3) 642-646.
  • Currylow, A.F., M.S.Tift, J.L.Meyer, D.E.Crocker and R.N.Williams. 2013. Seasonal variations in plasma vitellogenin and sex steroids in male and female eastern box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 180:48-55.
  • Kaminski, K.J. and K. Islam. 2013. Effects of forest treatments on abundance and spatial characteristics of cerulean warbler territories. American Midland Naturalist, 170:111 – 120.
  • Kellner, K.F., N.A.Urban and R.K.Swihart. 2013. Short-term responses of small mammals to timber harvest in the Central Hardwoods. Journal of Wildlife Management, 77(8): 1650-1663.
  • MacNeil, J.E. and R.N.Williams. 2013. Effectiveness of two artificial cover objects in sampling terrestrial salamanders. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 8(3): 552-560.
  • Summerville, K.S. 2013. Forest lepidopteran communities are more resilient to shelterwood harvest compared to more intensive logging regimes. Ecological Applications, 23(5): 1101-1112.
  • Summerville, K.S., J.L. Lane and D. Courard-Hauri. 2013. Stability in forest lepidopteran communities: how sensitive are pest species to experimental forest management. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 6:(3)265-275.
  • Currylow, A.F., B.J.MacGowan and R.N.Williams. 2012. Hibernal thermal ecology of eastern box turtles within a managed forest landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management, 77(2): 326-335.
  • Currylow, A.F., B.J.MacGowan and R.N.Williams. 2012. Short-term forest management effects on a long-lived ecotherm. PLoS ONE, 7(7):e40473.
  • Islam, K., J.Wagner, R.Dibala, M.M.MacNeil, K.J.Kaminski and L.P.Young. 2012. Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) response to changes in forest structure in Indiana. Ornitologia Neotropical, 23: 335-341
  • Kimble, S.J.A. and R.N.Williams. 2012. Temporal variance in hematologic and plasma bi0chemical reference intervals for free-ranging eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 48(3):799-802.
  • Urban, N.A., R.K.Swihart, M.C.Malloy and J.B.Dunning. 2012. Improving selection of indicator species when detection is imperfect. Ecological Indicators, 15: 188-197.
  • Currylow, A.F., P.A.Zollner, B.J.MacGowan and R.N.Williams. 2011. A survival estimate of Midwestern adult Eastern box turtles using radio telemetry. The American Midland Naturalist, 165(1): 143-149.
  • Summerville, K.S. 2011. Managing the forest for more than the trees: effects of experimental timber harvest on forest Lepidoptera. Ecological Applications, 21(3): 806-816.
  • Urban, N.A. and R.K.Swihart. 2011. Small mammal responses to forest management for oak regeneration in southern Indiana. Forest Ecology and Management, 261:353-361.
  • Holland, J.D. 2010. Isolating spatial effects on beta diversity to inform forest landscape planning. Landscape Ecology, 25(9): 1349-1362.
  • Summerville, K.S., D.Courard-Hauri and M.M.Dupont. 2009. The legacy of timber harvest: Do patterns of species dominance suggest recovery of Lepidopteran communities in managed hardwood stands? Forest Ecology and Management, 259(1): 8-13.
  • Summerville, K.S., M.M.Dupont, A.V.Johnson and R.L.Krehbiel. 2008. Spatial structure of forest Lepidopteran communities in oak hickory forests of Indiana. Environmental Entomology, 37(5): 1224-1230.